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  • Writer's pictureDidi Fit

Weight Loss For Women - Most Effective Ways To Burn Fat And Get Toned

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

Is there a secret portion for women to shed weight and get toned? Yes, and it has existed since the beginning of time.

The effectiveness of weight-loss for women largely depends on certain factors, such as age, medical condition, body composition/makeup, body type, etc.

“There are really no shortcuts to lasting results in fitness and wellness.”

A direct answer would be to eat healthy and exercise. I wish I could give you a secret potion or suggest supplements and all other weight loss fad diets available on the market, but unfortunately, I’m here to reiterate the clean eating and exercising cliche. There are really no shortcuts to lasting results in fitness and wellness. While those marketed solutions may work, they’re impractical and definitely not sustainable long term, and that’s why many people keep going round in endless circles of weight loss today, weight gain tomorrow.

A few tips for shedding weight and getting toned;

1. Watch your diet

About 70% of this whole weight loss fiasco depends, not only on how much you eat, but on what and when you eat. You should consider healthy food swaps, especially those that are higher in fiber and protein, and lower in calories. Also take in lots of fruits, veggies, and water.

2. Lift heavy weights

Yes, women too! Don’t be afraid to lift. Many women worry about looking buff and 'swole' like men but really, unless you're on steroids or your genetic makeup is different, you actually don't have the capacity to gain as much "swoleness" as a man. You won’t get bulky, instead, you’ll tone up those sexy lean muscles and keep the fat off! Besides, how about you squat yourself some big ol’ booty! ;)

3. Avoid long hours of cardio

Cardio is great, but for 3–4 hours, 7 days a week? NO! 2–3 times a week for 30 minutes is good enough, and even better, is performing high-intensity cardio circuits for shorter periods.

4. Get enough rest

Try to de-load every now and then, and take a day or the weekend off of working out, so that you can recover properly and, your efforts will be more productive. Also, try to get uninterrupted sleep for at least 7 hours a day. This should help you combat stress, since stress is an anti-weight-loss demon. Recreational activities are also great, and if you have kids, have their grandma watch them every now and then, or send them over to a play date, so you can get some ‘alone time’.

5. Patience

I can't stress this enough. Often times, impatience with the weight loss process comes from comparison. Don’t compare yourself or compete with anyone, especially our I.G fitness models and gurus. Contrary to what you let yourself believe, they didn’t get to where they are in a year even. Find the line between motivating yourself and competition, then make sure you don’t cross it.

6. Discipline

Make a plan and determine to follow through. If you don’t master self-discipline, I’m sorry but you’re never going to loose weight. Don’t be dependent on a friend or mentor. Find your own strength from within, otherwise, the day your friend loses focus, you too will!

7. Mental health

Don’t nurse bitterness against anyone. Laugh more, forgive all the time, hang out, ditch that life-draining party, dump that annoying boyfriend, keep visioned company, just be happy!

Do these, and I’m sure you’ll lose, and keep off, the fat!

In Closing

When people ask certain questions, it's one of two reasons; they need a short cut or their current approach is not working. Ultimately, deep down, everyone knows that it comes down to dieting and exercising, especially if you must sustain your goal weight. Stop chasing after fitness gurus who, instead of telling you the truth, are telling you what you need to hear. There are no short cuts and sooner or later, you'll realize it too! If you're struggling or your current approach is not working, reach out to me and let's see what we can do about it!

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